Strucurally coloured cellulose microparticles

Start date June 2017

Cambridge University

Client University of Cambridge

Dr David Nugent



Structural colouration is responsible for many brilliant iridescent colours found in plants, such as the Pollia condensata (below). Dr Silvia Vignolini and her team in the Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, has developed a process for producing nanocrystalline cellulose microparticles with structural colouration. This is expected to enable a new generation of pigment-free, biodegradable, natural coloured products. The team is seeking to collaborate with partners to validate this exciting new material. Initial applications include food colouring and cosmetics.



The following images are examples of the structural color films produced from self-assemling cellulose nanocrystals.

blueCNCfilm rainbowCNC

Copyright: Cambridge University



Documents available for download

Technology summary
Digital Color in Cellulose Nanocrystal Films click here
Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Cellulose Nanocrystals in a Confined Geometry