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I am an academic and have identified a commercial opportunity for my research. Can Elucidare advise me on how to exploit this technology through licensing deals or the formation of a spin-out?

Yes. However you should speak with your Technology Transfer Office in the first instance. We do not engage with academics directly but via agreements with your TTO manager.

You advise both technology firms and investors. Doesn't this create a conflict of interest?

The likelihood of us being asked to simultaneously promote and critique the same technology is infinitesimally small. The US Patent and Trademark Office alone receives over 480,000 applications every year, for example. Nevertheless we have voluntarily declined assignments that overlapped partially with the activities of existing clients. We never undertake engagements if they conflict – even indirectly – with the interests of existing or past clients.

Do you have exclusive arrangements with any University Technology Transfer Office?

No. We are free to work with any University in the world. Since 2003 we have worked with over 20 different Universities in Europe alone.

Is Elucidare regulated by the Financial Services Authority?

No. David Nugent was qualified by the FSA in 1999 as an investment analyst. However Elucidare Limited itself is not regulated by the FSA. The vast majority of our work does not require FSA approval. Where authorisation is required we will select a FSA-regulated partner best suited to your requirements.

Where are you based?

Our main office is in Cambridge, UK.

Do you work overseas?

Approximately half our engagements are with non-UK companies and universities. During the last year alone we have worked in Ireland, Japan, France, United States and Italy.