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We provide behind-the-scenes scientific, commercial and investment advice to the leading research Universities across the UK and Ireland. This includes both Technology Transfer Offices and spin-out companies.


Cambridge University Engineering Department is the largest department in the University of Cambridge, and one of the largest integrated engineering departments in Europe.


Elucidare has advised Cambridge University on the exploitation of photonic and telecommunications technologies.

The University of Manchester Intellectual Property Limited is the managing agent of The University of Manchester for intellectual property commercialisation.   Elucidare has advised UMIP on the commercialisation of a renewable energy technology under development at Manchester University.
  Newcastle University is among the top 20 higher education institutions in the UK in terms of research power, and has one of the largest European Union research portfolios in the UK.  
  Elucidare has advised Newcastle University on the exploitation of photonic and chemical technologies.  
  The Tyndall National Institute brings together complementary activities in photonics, electronics and networking research to create a research institute and focal point for Information and Communications Technology in Ireland.  
  Elucidare has advised Tyndall on the exploitation of healthcare, photonic and telecommunications technologies.  
  University College Cork is one of the premier research institutions in Ireland and its research income is consistently one of the highest in the country. It has a long tradition and expertise in Technology Transfer, Intellectual Property, Innovation and of working with industry.     Elucidare has advised UCC on the exploitation of renewable energy, healthcare, photonic and telecommunications technologies.  


We provide discreet investment due diligence advice to many of the largest and specialist technology investment funds in UK and Europe.

Technology firms

We provide market diversification and acquisition due diligence advice to many of the leading technology companies in the world. Our clients range from university spins-outs to global technology and engineering firms.